As Rant Casey once said, the future you have today is not the same you'll have tomorrow. So, for whatever tomorrow inspires me to write, I'll live today.

just an outlet of somesort where my keyboard can open up the world I see, for those who care to adventure in it.

An ongoing bilingual portfolio of somesort, seeking for guidance suggestions as well as publishing and publicity.



It's interesting how you can always find a distraction. Wether its on purpose or by accident. Wether its sex, drugs, or music...or if its work, family or social drama...

There can always be an excuse to hinder your feelings and hide them under anything. That's probably why they say a broken heart is also blind. There's always a reason and a way not to feel anything at all. 

The busier you are outside, the less you feel inside. And the less you care, the less things can hurt you...

Feeling is a choice. I dont want to run away. I choose to hurt. 

I believe somethings, however painful they can be, are worth fighting for...

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