As Rant Casey once said, the future you have today is not the same you'll have tomorrow. So, for whatever tomorrow inspires me to write, I'll live today.

just an outlet of somesort where my keyboard can open up the world I see, for those who care to adventure in it.

An ongoing bilingual portfolio of somesort, seeking for guidance suggestions as well as publishing and publicity.


Alexandrias Beacon: Excerpt

May it come many centuries from now, opposing new generations, like a tidal wave on a shallow shore.


May it lay steady in the dark 'til the beacon of Babylon has faded by the overpowering life that will withstand its nature. Waiting in silence, for his merry festival to awaken him.

'Adversity, sweet prince...' whispered Enae delicately

Tears that once comforted the soul of man, shall quiver in the glint of the childrens’ eyes. For thy shall come to restore what had been so unfairly famined and ravished.

'Adversity, my princess, shall come' retorted Hector

Life shall find it's balance, once the god struck Tree of Life, withers, only to be noticed. Only for us to care.

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