My head is throbbing. My heart is pounding. My blood is racing through my veins. And inside of me something is calling. The world is swirling. Nobody understands me. I’m broken inside, every single bone…except for one, full of love. I have no soul to count on or depend.
Ethics has vanished, self-control has been banished, and decency has been ravished. Inside of me remains a dark cave, full of candle lit walls, who have cried onto the floor tears of white wax. Every word I mention, whispers underneath an accomplice. A lustful synonym, that escapes beneath my breath. Compassion is not a companion of the caresses that I seek. Fury, anger, sin, pain, desire…are sweet embers I seek.
My heart lies perishing on the marble floor awaiting the final blow. The caverns light hushes off as the single mended bone, left in my body, keeps aside the life source of my existence.
‘Help me!!’ it cries.
Desire pours out of me, into the night. I know there is only one thing that works for me. Nightfall cloaks the shadow that approaches my dignity, as a bellowing cry fills the air.
‘Bring me my cure!’
There is no second opinion in this matter. I need to get a hold of your soul. I cannot control my own. My annihilation depends on it. My whole existence has gone. You can have my isolation. You can have my absence of faith. You can have my envy, my greed. You can have my silence. You can have my oppression and the hate that it brings. You can have my everything.
‘Just, take me closer to God’
I tear down my reason as tears slide down my cheek. I can’t keep it in. I don’t want to. The only thing that can get me better is you.
Pain rushes through me, while passion gushes out. You make me perfect, as I try not to think of somebody else. But that is what I want. You tie me down, forcing on me your penetrating eyes…and fingers. It’s your sex I can smell. It’s what makes me want to desire. I want to violate you. I want to complicate you. I want to feel you from the inside, until I understand; why you’re the reason I’m alive.
Through the forests, among the trees. Across the ocean, beneath the seas. I listen to snow flakes or the rustling leaves. Searching, always, for the sweet honey; between and just above your knees.